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Mbari House: Traditional Igbo Museum and Art Gallery


Mbari are public shrine galleries where complex characters of Igbo mythology, folklore, and society.
A hippo swallowing a person on a face of an Mbari in Owerri – Uratta Area, 1904/ Wikipedia

Mbari House

Mbari is a traditional Igbo art form and architectural structure from southeastern Nigeria. An Mbari house is a large, elaborate building or shrine complex adorned with intricate sculptures, carvings, and murals depicting various aspects of Igbo life, mythology, and culture.

Mbari houses were built by skilled artists and craftsmen, often taking years to complete. 

They served as:

– Centers for religious and cultural ceremonies

– Shrines for honoring the gods and ancestors

– Meeting places for community gatherings and discussions

– Symbols of community pride and identity

Mbari art is renowned for its vibrant colors, expressive figures, and detailed storytelling, showcasing Igbo creativity and craftsmanship. Unfortunately, many Mbari houses have been destroyed or deteriorated over time, but efforts are being made to preserve and restore these cultural treasures.

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