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Artist Ben Enwonwu (right) with Secretary-General U Thant unveiling Enwonwu’s statue Anyanwu, the Igbo sun deity, UN Headquarters, New York, October 1966. UN Photo/ Teddy Chen.

Artist Ben Enwonwu (right) with Secretary-General U. Thant unveiling Enwonwu’s statue Anyanwu, the Igbo sun deity, UN Headquarters, New York, October 1966. UN Photo/ Teddy Chen.

Ben Enwonwu’s Anyanwu is an iconic sculpture that reflects the Igbo sun deity, symbolizing hope and renewal. The statue was presented at the United Nations headquarters in New York in October 1966, with Enwonwu and U. Thant, the then-Secretary-General of the UN, unveiling the piece. This event signified a moment where African art, particularly from Nigeria, was recognized on a global stage, and Enwonwu’s work played a pivotal role in representing the cultural heritage of the Igbo people. Anyanwu blends traditional African themes with modern sculptural techniques, representing both spiritual and artistic brilliance.

The worship of Anyanwu (the sun deity) in Igboland is historically tied to the reverence of the sun as a symbol of life, energy, and power. While Anyanwu has a broad significance across Igboland, its adoration is particularly prominent in the northern and central parts of Igboland, especially among the Igbo of Anambra, Imo, Enugu and some parts of Delta States.

In these areas, Anyanwu was often linked to Chukwu (the Supreme God), being regarded as a manifestation of divine power. The sun’s regular cycle of rising and setting was seen as a metaphor for creation, vitality, and spiritual authority. Communities would honor Anyanwu through prayers and rituals seeking blessings of good health, protection, and agricultural fertility.

This deity was also symbolically tied to kingship and leadership, with some rulers associating their authority with the divine power of the sun. It played a key role in the cosmology and spiritual beliefs of many Igbo people.

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