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Odinani: Igbo Spirituality And Religion

An Igbo Dibia, Basden, G. T. Among the Ibos of Nigeria, 1921


Odinani is the traditional spiritual practice and religion of the Igbo people of southeastern Nigeria. It is a complex and multifaceted system that encompasses various aspects of Igbo culture, including:

– Belief in a supreme being (Chukwu)

– Reverence for ancestors and spirits

– Divination and oracles (e.g., Ifá)

– Rituals and sacrifices

– Taboos and sacred laws

– Connection with nature and the cosmos

Odinani emphasizes harmony, balance, and interconnectedness, guiding individuals in their daily lives and relationships with others and the world around them. It is a vital part of Igbo identity and continues to influence contemporary Igbo culture and society.

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