Obi Samuel Okosi I: The First Christian Obi of Onitsha and His Journey to Leadership

Obi Samuel Okosi I, widely known as Obi Onitsha ‘Sammy’ Okosi I, holds a unique place in the history of Onitsha as its first Christian monarch. His ascension to the throne in 1899 marked a significant turning point in the interplay between indigenous traditions, colonial influence, and religious transformation in southeastern Nigeria. Emerging as Obi … Read more

The Trans-Atlantic Legacy: The Biafran Influence on Jamaican Jonkonnu Music and Cuban Carabali Rhythms

Abstract The music of Jamaica’s Jonkonnu and Cuba’s Carabali reveals a rich legacy influenced by the Biafran Africans forcibly relocated to the Caribbean during the transatlantic slave trade from 1700s to 1830s. Instruments, rhythmic patterns, and cultural practices reflect an indelible connection among Biafra (present-day Nigeria), Jamaica, and Cuba. This article delves into the historical … Read more

The Shared History of Bandana and George Textiles: A Cultural Journey from India to Africa and the Caribbean

Textiles have long been a medium of cultural exchange and storytelling, bridging continents and peoples. The journey of the Jamaican bandana and the George cloth begins in Madras (modern-day Chennai), India, and stretches across West Africa to the Caribbean. These fabrics, originally tied to colonial trade and slavery, have been reimagined and adopted by diverse … Read more

Haiti’s Independence Day: Celebrating the Igbo Legacy in Haitian Culture

Haiti’s Independence Day on January 1st is not only a commemoration of the first successful slave revolt in the Americas but also an opportunity to reflect on the African roots of its people, particularly the significant influence of Igboland in modern-day Nigeria. The Igbo, brought to the Americas through the transatlantic slave trade, left a … Read more

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