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Tag: Arochukwu

Chukwu is Aro, Not Nri: Understanding Igbo Cosmology Beyond Misinterpretations

Sketch of Igbo Cosmology / Unknown source. Many have misunderstood the concept of "Chukwu" in Igbo culture. That confusion arose partly due to colonialism and missionization that sought to reform Igbo understandings of deity to better fit Judeo-Christian beliefs about one all-powerful God . However, Igbo worship was historically a belief in many gods, each…

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Nwaokoye Odinigbo, IsiNze ofUruoji, consecratingelephant tusksforfour ozomen who are taking the okike title

The Influence of Nri: Leadership, Titles, and Cultural Heritage in Igbo Land

Nwaokoye Odinigbo, isi Nze of Uruoji, consecrating elephant tusk for four  Ozo men who are taking the okike title   Nri culture is one of the most fascinating and significant subcultures in the Igbo cultural area. With unique title and religious systems, which have been adopted by much of Igbo land, Nri’s influence is undeniably profound and…

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