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Tag: Okpala

The Spiritual and Economic Importance of Yam Crops in Anioma: A Connection to Influence of Nri kingdom 

        Yam holds an important and general position amoung Anioma people , aside being a staple food, it's also a vital representation of spirituality, economic power, and status. This crucial traditional practice with yams mirrors the traditional practice from Nri kingdom, an ancient Igbo kingdom which played crucial role as the cultural and spiritual source of most…

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Ada Nshi and Okpala Nshi: The Role Nri traveling Priests played in Building Anioma’s Ritual and Cultural Practices

    Ndi Anioma, like other Igbo groups, have long kept deep cultural and spiritual ties to Nri, an ancient aristocratic and theocratic kingdom dated from 9th century. An important part of the connection was made possible by male and female ritual specialists of Nri, Okpala nshi (male priest) and Ada nshi (female priestess). Eze Nri sent sent them…

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