Kinship, Sexuality, and Social Values Among the Igbo: Insights from Ngwa Society

The Igbo culture places greater emphasis on the father-child relationship than on the husband-wife bond or any other kinship ties. Within this cultural framework, sexual interactions in the family are primarily directed toward achieving a crucial social objective: the continuation of the male lineage. Unlike some other societies, Igbo traditions do not demand exclusivity in … Read more

Art, Spirituality, and Authority: The Ekpe Society’s Ngwomo-Style Meeting House in 1930s Igbo Culture

“View of Ekpe (Egbo) society meeting house in Umuajatta (Olokoro) village [Umuahia area]. The house had a tall thatched roof, and a wall painted by an Annang artist in the style of Ngwomo ghost houses. Surrounded by trees.” G. I. Jones, 1930s. The from the 1930s fieldwork of G. I. Jones, a British anthropologist and … Read more

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