Ekpe Society: Guardians of Trade, Knowledge, and Nsibidi in Pre-Colonial Southern Nigeria

The Ekpe society, also known as Okonko, is a secretive cultural institution originating among the Ejagham people of southeastern Nigeria. Through its unique blend of ritual, governance, and symbolism, the Ekpe society became a vital force in the social, economic, and political life of the region. Its influence expanded significantly due to the Aro people, … Read more

Linguistic Parallels: The Igbo Influence on Patwa’s Body Naming And Lingua

Abstract Jamaican Patwa, a Creole language born from the transatlantic slave trade, carries profound linguistic and cultural imprints of West African languages, particularly Igbo. One striking area of this influence is the naming structure of body parts in Patwa, which reflects the descriptive and symbolic tendencies of the Igbo language. This article explores the linguistic … Read more

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