The  Acculturation of Benin derived titles in Ubulu-Ukwu kingdom

  Ubulu-Ukwu is a prominent Igbo kingdom in Anioma, with a rich history of  interrelationship with her  neighboring powers, mostly old Benin kingdom. Some titles in the traditional hierarchy of Ubulu-Ukwu were adapted via their interwoven with Benin, some of which are reflections of exchanges which culturally occurred via warfare , migration, and diplomacy. Although … Read more

The Role of Ubulu-Ukwu in Early Igbo Revolt to Invasion

  Ubulu-Ukwu upholds a crucial place in  history of ndi Anioma and ndi Igbo in general for its resistance to the Benin invasion in early times, prior the heroic Ekumeku movement.  Oba Akengbuda of Benin in the 18th century executed a three-pronged war attack through his most powerful warriors, unfortunately the armies of Oba Akenghbuda … Read more

A Festival of Ribaldry: A Brief History of “Ine Ubulu“

The Ụbụlụ-Ukwu Ine festival is an important event among the people. It takes place on a Wednesday every September, the people say, on the “ninth moon.” There are three major festivals in the kingdom: the Ine, the Iwu, and the Iwa-ji (New Yam). How the Ine Festival Began As he said, Dịọkpa Nkwor Oseji, a … Read more

Iwu-Ubulu: As It Was In The Beginning

The Iwu festival is the most culturally significant event in Ubulu Kingdom’s life, steeped deeply in its historical beginnings. It has its origin from two of the early settlers of the village now known as Ubulu-Uku: Ezemu, the great progenitor of the kingdom; and Anugwe, a well-established yam farmer who preferred modesty and peace to … Read more

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