War Towers of Igbo Compounds: Guardians of a Troubled Past

During the Atlantic slave trade, Igbo communities in southeastern Nigeria faced unprecedented threats especially north-central Igboland. Raids and kidnappings became commonplace as slavers sought captives to fuel the transatlantic human trade. In response, the Igbo people developed a unique architectural feature: war towers. Known locally as “obuna enu or ụnọ aja”, these towers were a … Read more

Dr. M. I. Okpara: The Architect of The Agricultural Revolution in Eastern Nigeria

Dr. Michael Iheonukara Okpara is often hailed as the architect of the agricultural revolution in Eastern Nigeria. As the Premier of Eastern Nigeria from 1959 to 1966, Dr. Okpara championed policies that significantly boosted agricultural production and modernized farming practices in the region. His government focused on improving rural development by promoting large-scale farming and … Read more

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