The Legacy of Ndi Mgburichi Jumieka: Igbo Social Hierarchy and Resistance in Jamaica

The legacy of Igbo culture in Jamaica is an integral part of the island’s history, especially during the slavery era. The famous Igbo saying, “Igbo enweghi eze”—meaning “The Igbo have no king”—aptly captures the egalitarian nature of the Igbo people, both in their homeland and in the diaspora. Despite lacking centralized kingship, the Igbo developed … Read more

Igbo Compound Entrances: A Study of North-Central Igbo Architecture

The architecture of the Igbo people offers unique insights into their cultural heritage, artistic creativity, and spiritual beliefs. Among the most distinctive architectural features are the entrances to Igbo compounds, particularly in the north-central regions. These entrances are not only functional but also symbolic, encapsulating the aesthetics and cultural identity of the Igbo community. Architectural … Read more

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