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Igbo Cosmology: The Igbo Worldview

Conceptual Interpretation of the Igbo world view, Henderson, 1972:123
Conceptual Interpretation of the Igbo world view, Henderson, 1972:123

Igbo Cosmology

Igbo cosmology refers to the traditional understanding of the universe and the nature of reality of the Igbo people of West Africa.

The key aspects of Igbo Cosmology includes:

  1. Supreme Being: Chukwu (also known as Chineke) is the supreme deity, creator of the universe, and source of all life.
  2. Spiritual Realm: Igbo cosmology posits a spiritual realm that coexists with the physical world, inhabited by spirits, ancestors, and deities.
  3. Four Elements: Earth, air, fire, and water are considered sacred elements, often associated with specific deities and rituals.
  4. Dualism: Igbo cosmology often emphasizes dualism, with complementary opposites like good and evil, light and darkness, and male and female.
  5. Ancestor Veneration: Ancestors play a crucial role in Igbo cosmology, believed to influence the living and offer guidance.
  6. Divination: Divination is used to communicate with the spiritual realm, seek guidance, and understand destiny.
  7. Concept of Time: Igbo cosmology views time as cyclical, with events repeating themselves in a cycle of birth, growth, decay, and rebirth.
  8. Destiny (Chi): Every individual has a personal destiny, guided by their Chi, which is believed to be determined by Chukwu.

These belief systems form a complex and rich cosmology that underlies Igbo culture, spirituality, and daily life.

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