Ubulu-Ukwu upholds a crucial place in history of ndi Anioma and ndi Igbo in general for its resistance to the Benin invasion in early times, prior the heroic Ekumeku movement. Oba Akengbuda of Benin in the 18th century executed a three-pronged war attack through his most powerful warriors, unfortunately the armies of Oba Akenghbuda were grossly defeated close to Ubulu-Ukwu at Oboshi and Udu streams.
This victorious move by Ubulu-Ukwu , with others,left a mark as one of the first coordinated Igbo defenses against external powers. Interestingly, after being defeated, some of the Benin warriors decided to settle in Ubulu-Ukwu amongst the people they had come to fight, this formed a lasting tie between both regions.
Prior to the war and after, both regions had maintained cordial relations and influenced each other in many ways, the title Odogwu started during the Ubulu-Ukwu/Benin war, the title is being held by the lineage of Umuonichaugbo, Mokpai, the first bearer of the odogwu title distinguished his strong self when he captured Benin soldiers, the descendants of these war prisoners formed the lineage of Idumu-idu.
This exceptional history of Ubulu-Ukwu highlights how the region balanced resistance and diplomacy, that influences the political and social landscape of ndi Anioma.
The Benin Factor in the west niger Igbo history: The example of Ubulu-Ukwu* Emmanuel Nwafor Mordi (Phd) Delta State University. Docslib. (n.d.).